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Environment Pollution/paragraph

Environment Pollution

Environment pollution means the pollution of different elements of the environment. The main elements of the environment are water, air, la animals and plants. Our environment is becoming. polluted everyday for several reasons. The inconsiderate acts of human beings are mainly responsible for environment pollution. The elements of the environment are being polluted by destruction of forests and the filling up of waterlands, rivers and canals. Mills factories are responsible for both water and air pollution. Mills and factories use poisonous chemicals. They throw their waste products into rivers, canals and thus pollute water. Industries emit smoke and pollute the environment. Smoke from motor vehicles also pollutes the environment. The farmers use pesticides in their fields. Rain and floods wash away these chemicals in the rivers and canals. Environment pollution has a dreadful effect on our life. Environment pollution causes climate change, heat waves, cyclones, erosion and droughts . It also increases the temperature in the atmosphere. So, it is obvious that we are heading towards a disaster owing to environment pollution. The ecological balance is being lost as a result of environment pollution. The environment pollution is a threat to human existence. We should plant more trees to stop environment pollution. Farmers should use natural or green fertilizers in their fields. The government should relocate hazardous industries like brick kilns to areas away from human habitation.

(words 228)

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